Saturday, 15 March 2014

Flight Test 12 March 2014

Wednesday afternoon 12th of March 2014 was  the occasion  of the first  test flight of the Mosquito "L" Model at Herradura Costa Rica. You will recall that the move to a warehouse/shop  facility was  completed in  June 2013  so that engineer Ron Flitton could could be employed in a shipwright service at Costa Rica's premiere resort center Los Suenos  as well as  spend time on the  completion of theVerti Drive 750 Engine.  After two years of full time work, we had to do it this way.

When the move was made there were several power problems with the motor which were better solved on the test stand rather than on the airframe. Ron's report on the  success of the trouble shooting was posted last fall in this Blog, but the acid test of any test stand success is the application of power to hover.
Wednesday was our day.  In the post flight inspection, the usual "small stuff" showed up, as every  aircraft coming out of refit has items that should be tighter or secured differently. Our experience was no exception.
The plan therefore, over the next 8 months, is to continue to modify and  change  areas of the engine were weight can be eliminated. The overall dimensions  will  also  shrink so that the engine  will  be a suitable product for  ultralight helicopters in general.
The Mosquito "L" model   we have in   Costa Rica will  be the test  flight airframe but  when  we are satisfied that the engine has  reached  the goal, it will be  ready for  installation on the Mosquito XE.

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